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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

KALINUSHKIN, Nikolay Aleksandrovich

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KALINUSHKIN, Nikolay Aleksandrovich (25.1.1948,Ufa — 20.4.2004, Ibid.), Sculptor. Merited Artist of the RF (1998) and RB (1993). Laureate of the RB State Award named after M.V.Nesterov (2018, posthumously). After graduating from the Higher School of Industry and Art (Moscow, 1977) and until 1985 he worked as a Professor at the BSPI, between 1992—2004 — at USAA. K’s works between the 80—90s had a significant impact on the development of the art of sculpturing in Bashkortostan; his name is associated with the origination of the medallic art in the Republic. K.’ works are distinguished by the integrity of volume, compositional static and figurative expression. In all types of sculptures, the focus is made on the figurative understanding of the material used, the development of shape, expressiveness of lines and silhouettes. He is the author of medals, depicting figures of world culture (Mikhail Nesterov, David Burlyuk). He worked in the field of unique graphics. Between 1991—98 — Chairman of the Board of the Union of Artists of the RB.

Publication date: 17.06.2020
Last updated: 22.03.2021