ADVERTISING AND COMMERCIAL PUBLICATIONS in the RB appeared at the end of 1990s—early 2000s. The most popular interregional newspapers in the spheres of business, finance, economic analytics, advertising and information services are the following: Delovoy Mir Bashkortostana (since 1996; founder — OOO Gulistan in Ufa), Kommersant (since 1989; ZAO Kommersant. Publishing House), VaBank (since 2013; Publishing House Hearst Shkulev Media and InterMediaGroup), Ufimsky Meridian (since 2002; OOO ID Provintsiya; all — in Moscow), etc; regional: Dobroye Utro (since 2006; OOO Axod in Ufa), Kuryer Bashkortostana (since 1998; Bashinform agency), Bonus (since 2013; OOO 7 Vershin), etc.