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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


Views: 1082

UFA AGGREGATE PRODUCTION ASSOCIATION, OAO. Manufactures electrical machine units, electronic and automatic control equipment for the power supply systems of aircraft and ground systems, ignition units and aviation plugs; foundry production from magnesium, aluminum, steel and brass alloys. Manufactures high-precision equipment for Tu, Il, An, Su, MiG, and Yak aircrafts and for Ka and Mi helicopters. Founded in 1941 in place of State Union Plant No.161 (Moscow; produced aviation spark plugs), evacuated to Ufa; since 1966 Ufa Aggregate Plant; in 1971 it was merged with Molniya Design Bureau into Ufa Aggregate Design Association, since 1978 has its current name. Since 2013, it has become a part of the Tekhnodinamika Holding of the Rostekhnologii State Corporation. The production of plugs with ceramic insulation for piston and jet engines (1955), capacitive ignition systems for jet aviation, semiconductor and erosion plugs for jet engines (both – in 1957), mica capacitors for ignition systems of aircraft engines (1961) was developed and mastered by the company for the first time in the USSR; plasma ignition systems for aircraft engines (2009) – in the RF.

Publication date: 24.02.2021
Last updated: 11.05.2021