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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


Views: 928

“MAKHMUT ON FOOT”, Bashkir ethnic naigrysh melody. First registered with a phonograph by L.N. Lebedinskiy in 1939 from I.S. Dilmukhametov, published in the book Bashkort khalk yirdary. The music style is dancing. The origin of “M.F.” is connected with a legend of Makhmud-sesen, who travelled on foot to the tsar and charmed him with the sounds of his kuray. Then the quaray player returned home and people were happy to welcome him; the melody he composed on his way was named “M.F.” The composition is characterized by a wide range of sounds (about 2 octaves), dotted beat. The 2-part and 3-part meter is common for a dance kick. The distinctive feature of the music is its introduction, composed from 2 repetitive motives with the Lydian fourth.

G.Сh. Khamitova


Publication date: 21.06.2021
Last updated: 02.08.2021