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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


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CHUVASH FOLK SONG art from Bashkortostan is represented by labor, wedding, commemoration, recruiter, guest, historic, love, round dance, game, joke songs, ballads, etc. Chastushki play an integral part of folklore. The songs are usually sung in one voice. Duet, two-voiced and choirs are developing mostly under the influence of Russian, Mordovian, Ukrainian musical folklore, etc. Some archaic musical-folklore phenomena, which no longer exist in Chuvashia, are preserved on the territory of the republic, e.g. (vaya, uyav, nartukan, sumar chuk etc.). The songs have pre-Christian (pagan) motifs etc. that are frequently repeated. One of peculiarities of Chuvash folklore songs is that many bayts (see Sak-suk) have appeared, under the influence of Bashkir and Tatar folklore. V. A. Moshkov was the first to describe Chuvash E.s. in his book called “Materials to characterize musical art of people from the Volga-Cama region” (1893). It contains musical folklore descriptions of many peoples from Ural and Volga region including Chuvash songs registered from the soldiers of Warsaw military region who were born in Ufimskaya region. N.I. Ashmarin described some samples of Chuvash songs of people from Bashkortostan in his book called “Collection of Chuvash songs registered in Kazanskaya, Simbirskaya and Ufimskaya regions” (1900) and “Motifs samples of Chuvash ethnic songs and their lyrics” book (2nd part, 1912; compiled by P.V. Pazukhin). In the beginning of the 20th c. G.I. Komissarov was collecting and studying Chuvash songs registered from the World War I soldier-participants, the songs were published in “Songs of Russian prisoners of war” collection (1926). F.N. Vukolov-Erlik, S.M. Maksimov, P.A. Petrov-Turinge, I.V. Saltykov, Y. Ukhsay, P.A. Fyedorov, etc. were collecting Chuvash folklore in the 1930-1950’s. Chuvash Institute of Humanities has been studying the songs since the 1960’s, the materials of the expeditions of 1962, 1987 are included into the Chuvash ethnic artpublication (1973-1987), “Chuvashes of the Ural region” book (1989). M.G. Kondratyev published some samples of E.s. in the “Songs of the lower Chuvashes” collection (1982). Some songs and the notes were included into the collection volume of Chuvash songs compiled by Hungarian scientists L. Vikar and G. Bereczki (1979). Musicologist A.A. Osipov, collector V.Y. Romanov, etc. were registering Chuvash songs and instrumental naigrysh melodies. Sterlitamak branch of BSU (J.Y. Karpukhin, L.V. Korotayeva, L.A. Afanasyeva etc.) and historians of Bashkortostan (V.G. Tsvetkov, A.P. Mikhaylov, L.A. Mavlyutova, V.A. Ivanova, L.A. Fyedorov etc.) have been collecting and studying Chuvash folklore including E.s. since the 1990’s. E.s. are the basis of repertoires of some Chuvash folklore collectives, such as Narspi, Sarbi, Shevle, etc. The Center of ethnic art organizes folklore holidays, contents and festivals and manages the activities of folklore collectives to revive and develop E.s. of Bashkortostan peoples in the republic.

L.A. Afanasyeva, I.G. Petrov

Publication date: 21.07.2021
Last updated: 21.07.2021