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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


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“YULAY and SALAVAT”, a monument of Bashkir literature, epic. It has poetic and prose form. Was registered in the beginning of the 20th c. by M.A. Burangulov from Gabit-sesen. The main theme is the struggle of Bashkir people against national and colonial oppression. The epic has 2 chronologically arranged parts. The first part tells about Aznaly, Ylay Aznalin and his struggle against the illegal occupation of Bashkir lands. Yulay sent a letter to the tsar authorities to complain about the plunder of Bashkir lands but an answer never came. Yulay encouraged people to protect their native lands. However, the battles were not successful and he had to hide in the mountains. The second part is dedicated to Salavat Yulayev: it describes his childhood and youth. Salavat was growing up as a batyr, he had a good education and his character was influenced by a meeting with Baik-aydar. In the beginning of the Peasant war of 1773-75 Salavat and his people joined Y.I. Pugachyev. However, they were defeated and Salavat was captured. The epic calls people to unite. The typewritten text is in the Scientific archive of URC RAS.

М.Kh. Idelbaev

Publication date: 26.07.2021
Last updated: 26.07.2021