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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


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BAKALINSKY RAION, located in the W of the RB. Established on August 20, 1930. Abolished on February 1, 1963, the territory became part of Tuymazinsky Raion. Newly established on March 3, 1964. Territory — 1,951 km2. Adm. centre — Selo Bakaly, which is located 175 km NW of Ufa and 75 km N of the Tuymazy Railway Station. Population — 26.3 thous. people (2017). In 2018, the area of agricultural lands amounted to 121.8 thous. ha (62.4% of the total area), including arable lands — 77.2, hayfields — 9.3, pastures — 35.3; forest area — 64.0, surface waters — 1.1. Agricultural enterprises [7 APCs, 14 OOOs, OAO,  60  peasant   (farmer)   farms], 11 private farms specialize in the cultivation of grain crops, sugar beets, potatoes, meat and dairy cattle breeding, pigs breeding. There are: an asphalt and concrete plant, Bakalinsky Forest Enterprise, MUP Kommunkhoz, Bakalyvodstroy,  OAO  Bakalymoloko, etc. Highways: Kushnarenkovo— Chekmagush—Bakaly, and Belebey—Nikolaevka—Tuymazy—Bakaly. There are: Professional Lyceum No.78, 24 general education schools, 3 pre­school institutions, a children’s arts centre, a children’s arts school, a youth sports school; a central hospital, 2 rural outpatient clinics, 43  medical  and  obstetrical  centers;  the central Palace of Culture, 23 rural palaces of culture, 14 rural clubs, 29 libraries, a museum; a nunnery in Selo Bugabashevo; 31 gyms, the Dyelfin (Dolphin) swimming pool, a stadium, the Biatlon (Biathlon) fitness centre, the Olimp (Olympus) sports and fitness centre in Bakaly. There are: the Kryashens Republican national and cultural centre, Talented Youth Support Fund. In the Raion, there are 2 exemplary and 5 folk amateur art groups.

Publication date: 10.03.2020
Last updated: 06.08.2021