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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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GUBERNIYA, a name of an administrative and territory unit in Russia between 18th — early 20th centuries. Established by the Decree of December 18th 1708, G. were divided into uyezds and between 1719—80 — into guberniyas. G. were headed by governors. In 1775—96, G. were transformed into Namestnichestvos....


GUEST HOUSE (Gostiny Dvor), an architectural monument of the middle 19th – early 20th century located in Ufa (1, Verkhnetorgovaya square). It was built between 1825– 67 as a project of a St. Petersburg architect A.I.Melnikov. It is a single storey stone building made in the style of classicism....


“GULNAZIRA”, a Bashkir ethnic song, kyska-kuy. First registered by L.N. Lebedinskiy in 1938, published in the book “Bashkort khalk yirdary” by K.F. Akhmetov. It is a popu­ lar takmak. Bright intonation development, an original verse­strophic form (verses have 3 beats to a measure, the chorus...


“GUMEROV”,  a  Bashkir  ethnic  song, uzun-kuy. First registered by I.V. Saltykov in 1930 in the Avzelilovskiy District, BASSR. It is published in the “Bashkort khalk yirdary” col­ lection by Z.G. Ismagilov. The song is lyro­-dra­matic. According to the legend, the name of the song is...

GUMEROV, Asgat Galimyanovich

GUMEROV, Asgat Galimyanovich (b.15.8. 1937 in Selo Starobaishevo of Dyurtyulinsky Raion, BASSR), Mechanical Engineer. Acad. of the AS RB (1991), Dr. of Engineering (1984), Full Professor (1986). Merited Scientist of the RF (1997) and BASSR (1974), Merited Worker of the RF Fuel and Energy Ministry (1997),...

GUSMANOV, Uzbek Gusmanovich

GUSMANOV, Uzbek Gusmanovich (13.8. 1935, Derevnya Taimurzino of Dyurtyulinsky Raion of the BASSR – 25.9.2016, Dyurtyuli), Economist. Associate Member of the RAAS (1997), Acad. of the AS RB (1991), Dr. of Economics (1988), Full Professor (1991). Merited Master of Sciences of the RF (1994) and BASSR...


GYMNASIUMS, secondary general education institutions with advanced study of mainly humanitarian and philological subjects. In Bashkortostan, Ufa Men’s Gymnasium was opened in 1828. In 1865 — Mariinskaya Women’s Gymnasium. In 1899 — Ufa Second Women’s Gymnasium. In 2000, in the RB there were...