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“BIRD-CHERRY TREE WITH LARGE BUNCHES”, “B i r d - c h e r r y t r e e”, “W e e p i n g b i r d -c h e r r y t r e e”, Bashkir ethnic song, kyska-kuy. The legend and instrumental variants of the song were registered by S.G. Rybakov from M. Murzagulov in 1894 in Kubagushevo village, Verkhneuralskiy...
BELIEF, 1) is a faith in supernatural phenomena; a constituent of mythology; 2) is a prediction (foresight) based on a mystical connection of events in a person’s life with certain phenomena (see Sign). B. reflect the type of household activities of people, their worldview, psychology, traditions...
BELARUSIAN ETHNIC CULTURAL CENTER i n B a s h k o r t o s t a n, a NGO established in Ufa in 1996. Under the auspices of the BECC, Belarusian Historical Cultural Center is organized in Baltika village, Iglinskiy District, Bashkortostan, the Belarusian language is studied at school. Participated in the...
“BASHKORTOSTAN PEOPLES” i s a s t a t e p r o g r a m o f 2 0 0 3 – 2 0 1 2, approved by Resolution №388 of the Cabinet of Ministers of RB of December 31, 2002. It was prolonged through 2013 by Resolution № 226 of June 5, 2013. The program included several measures to support...
BEAR'S HOLIDAY, is a calendar ritual. Its origin is connected with ancient pagan beliefs (see Cults, Totemism). The image of a bear is common for many peoples of the world. Udmurts perform the B.d. dirung Maslenitsa period. Somebody was dressed up in an inside-out fur coat (as an image of a bear) and...
BASHKORTOSTAN HOUSE OF PEOPLES’ FRIENDSHIP, government-owned. Established in Ufa to preserve and enhance stability in the multi-cultural community in 1995. Coordinates activities of over 40 ethnic cultural centers and 17 historical cultural centers (2020). Assists in organizing celebrations,...
“BAY HORSE”, “S l o p e o f t h e b a y h o r s e”, Bashkir ethnic naigrysh. First regis tered by A.S. Klucharyev in the 1930’s, included into the handwritten collection called “50 Bashkir ethnic instrumental plays and quaray naigrysh melodies”. Its variants are published in...
“BLACK AMBLE” (“Kara yurga”), “Black amble”, Bashkir ethnic song, kyska-kuy. The first information about the song is presented in I.I. Lepyekhin’s notes. The legend and instrumental variants of “B.a.” were first registered by S.G. Rybakov in 1894 from quaray players: Birgali, who lived...
BYLICHKA is a folklore genre, a short story about a person meeting a supernatural creature. The narration is told on behalf of the main character by his friend, and the plausibility of the story is the organizing aesthetic basis of the genre. The main purpose of the narrator is to express a tense psychological...
“BROWN BULL” is a Bashkir ethnic song, khalmak-kuy. First registered in 1907 by M.A. Burangulov in Venkhneilyasoso vil lage, Buzulukskiy district, Samarskaya region (Krasnogvagdeyskiy district, Orenburgskaya region) from Khasan Burangulov, published in “Bashkir ethnic songs” (1935) by S. Gabyashi....
BURANGULOV Mukhametsha Abdrakhmanovich
BURANGULOV Mukhametsha Abdrakhmanovich (15.12.1888, Derevnya Ilyaskino of Buzuluksky Uyezd of Samara Gub., now De revnya Verkhneilyasovo of Krasnogvardeysky Raion of Orenb. Obl. – 9.3.1966, Ufa). People’s Sesen of the BASSR (1944). Graduated from the one of the Kargalinsky madrassas (1907) and...
BURANBAY‑SESEN [Kutuchev/Kutdusov Baranbay Suyundukovich (acc. to other sources, Suyundukov Buranbay Kutdusovich); 1765 (acc. to other sources, 1771 or 1781), Kinzyebulatovo village, Burzyanskaya parish, Nogai road, current Buranbayevo village, Baymakskiy district, RB – around 1868, buried, presumably,...
“BURANBAY” is a Bashkir ethnic song, uzun-kuy. First registered by S.G. Rybakov in 1894 from Tulgunzha Gubaydullin in the Itkulovo village of Orskiy District of Oren burgskaya region (current 2d Itkulovo village of Baymakskiy District of RB). It is published in “Music and songs of the Ural...
BRYANTSEVA Lyudmila Ivanovna
BRYANTSEVA Lyudmila Ivanovna (26.6. 1946–9.6.2012), folklorist. Candidate of Phi lology (1984). His research is connected with the study of Russian song folklore. Author of more than 50 research papers. Author and compiler of the collection of song texts and notes of the “Russian song tradition...
BLESSING is a folklore genre connected with magic from a good word to correct a person’s or people’s life in a positive way. It is mostly uttered by elderly people. B. are dedicated to the crucial events in life (birth of a child, giving aname moment, wedding, newly married couple visiting...
BENEVOLENCE is a set laconic verbal formulaexpression of ceremonial folklore. It exists in the folklore of many peoples. Its origin is connected with ancient beliefs in the magic of words. It is uttered in crucial moments of a person’s life (birth, wedding, funeral, start of end of important business)...
BISURA (from ancient Turkic “bichin” – an ape) is a kikimora or a lower spirit. It is named B., bichura in Turkic, and kikimora in Slavic mythology. It appears in bylichkas, fairytales. The creature is insidious and cunning. It lives in thick woods and houses where people often quarrel. It can...
BIKBULATOV Nail Valeyevich
BIKBULATOV Nail Valeyevich [14.2.1931, Etbayevo village, Argayashskiy district BASSR (Argayashskiy district, Chelyabinskaya region) – 18.4.1996, Ufa, buried in Novo Sobolyevo village, Argayashskiy district, Che lyabinskaya region], ethnographer. Candidate of History (1965). Graduated from Bashkir...
BIKBERDIN Yavdat Zaynullovich
BIKBERDIN Yavdat Zaynullovich (10.6.1952–12.5.1996), dancer, choreographer. The motives of Bashkir dance folklore are reflected in B.’s productions of “Caravan-Serai”, ”Route”, “Igzakov”, “Way Back Home”, “Kara-Yurga”, “Sonayym”, various versions of “Baik”, etc. Yu.I....
“BIISH”, is a Bashkir ethnic song, uzun-kuy. The instrumental variant (kuray) of “B.” was first recorded in 1894 by S.G. Rybakov in the Temyasovo village of Orskiy District (Baymakskiy District of RB). It is published in his book “Music and songs of the Ural Muslims and their household description”....