Список материалов

DAVLETSHIN Farrakh Davletshinovich
DAVLETSHIN Farrakh Davletshinovich [31.1. (according to other data, 12.2.) 1887, Derevnya Urtayevo of Birsky Uyezd of Ufa Gub., now Derevnya Starourtayevo of Dyurtyulinsky Raion of the RB, – 12.1.1956, Derevnya Novobaishevo of Birsky Raion of the BASSR]. People’s sesen of the BASSR (1944). Awarded...

DRAWLING SONG (“Ozon kyuy”) is a n i n t e r r e g i o n a l c o m p e t i t i o n o f p e r f o r m e r s o f B a s h k i r d r a w l i n g s o n g. It has been held since 1997 in Tuymazy once every 2 years in order to find and promote talented folk singers, restore and...

DAGESTANI CULTURE SOCIAL ASSOCIATION i n B a s h k o r t o s t a n, established in Ufa in 2004. The association participated in the 2nd (2009) and 3rd (2015) congresses of Bashkortostan Peoples’ Assembly, Inter-Regional Academic Workshop “Ethnic Politics and Traditional Culture” (2009), etc.;...

DOUMBYRA, a Bashkir plucked string folk instrument. Wooden case of pearshaped hemispherical or ovalplane shape (hollowed or glued). The length of the instrument is about 800 mm with a neck and 19 mortise frets. It has 3 strings (nylon or metal); the mode is fifth and fourth. The sound is extracted...

DAYS OF SALAVAT (“Salauat yiyiny”), a regional folk festival dedicated to the birthday of Salavat Yulayev. Held since 1989 in the Sa lavatsky district of the RB in order to preserve, develop, promote, and popularize folk art and education of the younger generation; since 2004, held in various...

DMITRIEV Nikolay Konstantinovich
DMITRIEV Nikolay Konstantinovich (28.8.1898–22.12.1954), linguist. Corresponding member of the USSR AS (1943), academician of the Academy of Pedagogy of the RSFSR (1945), Doctor of Philology (1938), Professor (1930). The founder of the national school of Turkology. D.’s research is devoted to the...

DIYAROV Karim Mukhamadeyevich
DIYAROV Karim Mukhamadeyevich (15.1. 1910–17.11.1986), kuray player, collector of folklore. The successor of the classical tradi tions of kuray playing, developed in the Bashkir TransUrals. The repertoire included Bashkir ethnic songs and tunes, including “Abdrakhman-Canton”, “Bayas”,...

DIYU, deyeu is an evil demon in Bashkir mythology that looks like a manyheaded giant. Its origin is connected with the Iranian devs. The character appears in the epics, such as “Ural-batyr”, “Akbuzat”, “Zayatulyak and Khyukhylu” and fairytales, such as “Girl, yeget,...

DILMUKHAMETOV (Delmukhametov) Ishmulla Ishalievich
DILMUKHAMETOV (Delmukhametov) Ishmulla Ishalievich (15.9.1928–19.10.1984), kuray player, singer, improviser, actor. D. influenced the resurgence of kuray playing in combination with elements of uzlyau. The repertoire included Bashkir ethnic songs and tunes, including “Buranbay”, “Gilmiyaza”,...

DEMIURGE (literally “creating for people”) is a mythological character that creates elements of the world, space and cultural objects, people like a craftsman (a blacksmith, potter, weaver, carpenter etc.). E.g., Egyptian God Khnum creates the world and people with his potter wheel, Finish...

DECORATIVE ARTS AND CRAFTS is the process of creating practical, household, ritual things (utensils, furniture, fabrics, clothes, tools). Pieces of D.a. and c. cannot be separated from artistic, spiritual, material culture of peo ple, they are closely connected with people’s everyday life, ethnic...

DENTAL OUTPATIENT HOSPITAL, the republican therapy and consulting centre. Founded in 1951. Since 1983, it has been located in a typical three-storied building. Consists of Department of Medical Prevention and Therapy, 2 orthopaedic departments, surgical department, children’s department, 2 paidservice...

DANCE. D. among the Bashkirs has been associated with ancient religious beliefs: collective female, ceremonial, game, mass, and other dances. (ref. Folk dance). Hunting, shepherd and military D. were performed by men only. (e.g., Baik, Perovsky). Expressiveness and originality were characterizations...

DICTIONARY OF THE BASHKIR LANGUAGE (Bashkort telenen huzlege), the normative definition dictionary of the Bashkir language in 2 volumes (M., 1993). It was created under the leadership of A.G.Biishev by a group of linguists of the History, Language and Literature Institute. It was compiled with the consideration...

DICTIONARIES, a collection of words (or parts of words, word forms, phrases, etc), arranged in a certain order and provided with descriptions of various nature (depending on the type of D.). The first D. of the Bashkir language were created at the end of the 18th century. The key translation D.: Bashkir‑Russian...

DO NOT DROP THE FIRE, PROMETHEUS! (Tashlama utta, Prometheus!), a tragedy. Written in 1975 by M.Karim. The play consists of six acts. The author bases his play on the famous mythological plot of Greek antiquity. Zeus wants to give his daughter Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, as a wife to...

DRUG REHABILITATION CLINIC NO. 1, the leading republican specialized healthcare institution for treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts, alcohol abusers, toxic substances abusers and individuals who suffer from tobacco addiction. Located in Ufa. It was founded in 1984. The Clinic consists of the...

DEPOSITS OF NON-METALLIC MINERAL RESOURCES, accumulations of non‑combustible hard rocks and minerals, used in natural form or after industrial pro‑cessing, in industry and construction as well as for extraction of non‑metallic elements or their compounds from them. The boundary separating non‑metallic...

DERMATOVENEROLOGIC HOSPITAL NO.1, the leading republican specialized healthcare institution for the prevention and treatment of skin diseases and sexually transmitted infections. Located in Ufa. Founded in 1920. It consists of the inpatient clinic, 4 consultative and diagnostic departments, department...

DWELLING, a traditional building adapted by man for life and various types of activities, built in accordance with the functional, constructive, and aesthetic requirements of a society.
The Bashkirs differentiate between temporary and permanent D. The traditional Bashkir D. is a yurt. Bashkirs erected...