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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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“MIST” is a Bashkir ethnic song, uzun‑kuy. First the lyrics were registered in 1937 in Kukkuyanovo village, Durtulinskiy District, BASSR from Z. Khabibullina. They are published in the “Bashkir ethnic art” book (1st v., 1954). The song is lyrical. “T.” was composed at the beginning of...


MEMORY­ STORY is a folklore oral story representing memories about real events of present days and recent past, can contain elements of fiction. The difference from a simple story is that it is known to a more-or-less wide range of people of a certain location. The narration is usually performed on...


“MAKHMUT ON FOOT”, Bashkir ethnic naigrysh melody. First registered with a phonograph by L.N. Lebedinskiy in 1939 from I.S. Dilmukhametov, published in the book “Bashkort khalk yirdary”. The music style is dancing. The origin of “M.F.” is connected with a legend of Makhmud-sesen, who travelled...


M. AKMULLA PEDAGOGICAL UNI­VERSITY B a s h k i r s t a t e. Founded in 1967 in Ufa. The University’s school of Bashkir Philology has the M. Akmulla room, A.M. Suleymanov research and educational laboratory of ethnography and folklore of the peoples of Eurasia; folk storytelling school of sesen: headed...


MYASKAY is an evil demon in Bashkir mythology. The character appears in bylichkas and magic fairytales. According to Bashkir beliefs, M. is the spirit of a dead sorcerer or a person that was buried without appropriate rites observed. The demon flies at night and looks like a fireball, it casts evil...


“MERGEN AND MAYANKHYLU”, a monument to Bashkir literature, epos. Registered in 1917 by M.A. Burangulov in Srednee Babalyarovo village, Orenburg District, Orenburg region (Kuyurgazinskiy District, RB) from Gatiyatulla Bikkuzhin; the manuscript didn’t survive to the present day, the typewritten...

MUKHAYAROV Zidyyar Shakirovich

MUKHAYAROV Zidyyar Shakirovich (17.1. 1942–29.7.2006), teacher, musician. Russia’s well-known maker of accordions such as sgueezebox and talyanka. He taught in various musical institutions for about 20 years. Bashkir version of talyanka by M. combines the best traditional and design achievements....

MUKHAMETZYANOV Rif Mirkhabullovich

MUKHAMETZYANOV Rif Mirkhabullovich (2.7.1939–7.2.1996), folklorist. Candidate of Philology (1973). His research is devoted to the calendar and wedding poetry of the Tatars of Bashkortostan, analysis of the relationship between literature and folklore. Author of more than 100 research papers. The founder...


MUNKÁCSI Bernát (12.3.1860–21.9.1937), ethnographer, linguist. His research papers are devoted to the linguistic and cultural relationships of Finno-Ugric and Turkic peoples of the Volga region and Western Siberia (Udmurts, Khanty, Mansi, Chuvash, etc.) along with the Hungarians. In 1885, he collected...


MUNAZHAT is a Bashkir and Tatar lyrical genre of musical and poetic art based on the melodic declamation or vocal intonation of a poetic text. “Music and songs of the Ural Muslims and their household description” by S.G. Rybakov describe M. as “an appeal to God, religious poetry”. Other sources...


MUSEUM OF ARCHEOLOGY AND ETHNOGRAPHY of Institute of Ethnological studies of R.G. Kuzeev USC RAS. Located in Ufa. Founded in 1976. The first exposition was opened in 1980; current expositions of the museum are located in “Archeology of the Southern Urals”, “World of Bashkir culture”, “Bashkortostan...


“MUGLIFA”, Bashkir ethnic song, kyska-kuy. First registered by S.K. Gabyashi in 1932-1934 in Temyasovo village, Baymakskiy District, BASSR from Suyumbika Kulibaeva and published in “Bashkir ethnic songs” collection (1935). The variants of “M.” are registered by A.S. Kly ucharyev, L.N. Lebedinskiy,...

MOSHKOV Valentin Aleksandrovich

MOSHKOV Valentin Aleksandrovich (25.3. 1852–19.11.1922), military figure, musicologist, folklorist, ethnographer,  linguist.  He  made a significant contribution to the study of musical folklore of the peoples of the Volga-Ural region. Author of the collections of folk songs of the Chuvash, Tatar,...


MOTIF is a meaningful (sense) unit of a folklore text. There are M-situation, M-action, M-image, M-characteristic, M-type, M-landscape, mythological M., spatial M. and others. The following M. are the most common as a basis of a plot: 1) heroical collision [a reason for making a character to act; “Ural-batyr”,...


MORDOVIAN FOLKLORE in the Republic of Bashkortostan is characterized by a variety of genres. Formation of M.f. was influenced by the Christianization process and long-term living in polyethnic area, mostly among the Bashkirs, Russians, Chuvashes. At the same time, M.f. preserves the elements of pagan...


MORDOVIAN ETHNIC CULTURAL CENTER, an NGO established in Ufa in 1996. Mordovian is studied in some schools of the region. Teachers of Mordovian are trained in colleges of education in Salavat and Sterlitamak. The center participates in organizing annual Days of the Mordovian Language and Culture, “Erzyan...


MORDOVIAN HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL CENTER, public organization, branch of the House of Peoples’ Friendship. Established in 2011, in the village Fedorovka of Fedorovsky district of the RB in order to revive and safeguard the cultural and historical heritage, language, crafts, customs, and folklore of...


MORDOVIAN ETHNIC SONG folklore of Bashkortostan people was influenced by Christianization and long-term integration with Bashkirs, Russians, Chuvashes. At the same time, it has elements of pagan beliefs. Calendar-ceremonial songs are the most constant. They are about: the universe and customs origins...


“MON” (”Melody”), Tatar talyanka ensemble of Starobaltachevo village in Baltachevo district of RB. Organized in 1993 by the honored worker of culture of RB N.Kh. Gallyamov. In 2003 it was titled “Exemplary.” The repertoire includes folk songs and rural tunes: “Apipa,” “Arsk,”  “Friday,”...

MOISEYEVA Svetlana Alekseyevna

MOISEYEVA Svetlana Alekseyevna (b. 19.12. 1968), folklorist. Candidate of Philology (2006). Her research is devoted to the ceremonial calendar and wedding folklore of Russian mining villages of Bashkortostan and the Southern Urals. Author of approx. 40 research papers.