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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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“PETTY OFFICER MASAGUT”, Bash­kir kubair. First registered in the 1920’s by G.F. Vildanov  in Abdulgazino village of Tamyan­Katayskiy canton, BASSR (Abzeli­ lovskiy District, RB). It is published without a title in the “Bashkort aymagy” collection (1927, №4). The kubair is dramatic....


PYARIY is an evil demon – a master of wind in Bashkir mythology. Its origin is connected with Iranian spirits – pari. It appears in bylichkas. These spirits are non-personified deities that can appear to people as humans or animals (bears, ducks, cats etc.). It is possible to recognize a P. in human...


“PASSED LIFE”, “L i t t l e l e f t”, Bashkir ethnic song, uzun‑kuy. First registered in the 1930’s by S. Gabyashi. The lyrics are published in the book “Bashkir ethnic art”, notes and lyrics were published in the “Bashkort khalk yirdary” collection by G.Z. Suleymanov.  The song...


“PASSED LIFE”, “L i f e”, Bashkir ethnic song, khalmak‑kuy. Firstly registered in 1923 by S.Galimov from A.D. Khusainov in Temyasovo village, Zilairskiy canton, BASSR (Baymakskiy District, RB). The lyrics are published in the book “Bashkir ethnic art” by S. Gabyashi. It is also published...


PRIGOVORY is a genre of family household ritual folklore. They were uttered as a kind of a game as they are rythmic, rhyming poetic texts. Functionally they are similar to zaklichkas but the difference is in addressee and addresser. P. were performed by adults and they are addressed to different participants...


PROVERB is a folklore genre, grammatically and lexically complete, rhythmically organized set expression used in everyday communication with the aim to teach people by means of transferring a generalized idea proved by life experience in short form. It is emotionally expressive and can be used multiple...


PORT-­ARTUR, a Bashkir ethnic song, kyska-kyuy. First recorded by G.Z. Suleymanov in 1938, published in the Bashkort Khalk Yirdary digest. Drama song. According to a legend, composed by the Bashkirs who participated in the defense of the Port-Arthur fortress during the Russo-Japanese war of 1904–05....

POMERANTSEVA (Gofman) Erna Vasilyevna

POMERANTSEVA (Gofman) Erna Vasilyevna [7(19).4.1899–11.9.1980], folklorist, ethnographer, teacher. Doctor of History (1964). Her research is connected with the study of the theory and history of Russian folk tales and other genres, interethnic folklore, the relationship between literature and folklore....


POKROV DAY (Holy virgin Theotokos Protection) is a fixed religious Slavic holiday. It appeared as a memory of what happened in the beginning of the 10th. c. in Constantinople. The surrounded people were praying very hard to be saved and Virgin Mary herself and other Saints and angels joined their praying....

PETROV-­TURINGE  Pyotr  Andreyevich

PETROV-­TURINGE  Pyotr  Andreyevich (6.6.1887–1943), ethnographer, local historian, folklorist. His research is connected with the study of history, ethnography, and folklore of the Chuvash people of Bashkortostan. In 1927– 30, Chairman of the Chuvash section of the Society for the Study of Bashkiria....

PETROV Igor Georgievich

PETROV Igor Georgievich (b.7.3.1962), ethnographer. Candidate of History (1993). His research is devoted to the ethnographic history of the Chuvash people of Bashkortostan, collection and historiography of Chuvash folklore, etc. Author of more than 120 research papers. Member of the Association of Anthropologists...


PETROV DAY is a religious day for Slavic people and the summer holiday in honor of apostles Peter and Paul of the Orthodox. It is celebrated annually on July 12. According to belief, it was considered to be the zenith of summer. People did not collect herds, wreaths, etc. after P.d. Some agricultural...


“PEROVSKIY”, “Perovskiy march”, Bashkir ethnic naigrysh melody. First registered by K.B. Shubert, published in the book “Music and songs of the Ural Muslims and their household description”. Naigrysh resembles a dancing march. Its origin is connected with the expedition led by V.A. Perovskiy...


PENTATONIC is a sound system with 5 steps within an octave. P. is the basis of mode thinking of many peoples including Bashkirs, Tatars, Maris, Chuvashes, Mordovians, Udmurts living in the Volga and Urals regions. There are 4 types of P.: semitoneless (angemitone), semitone, mixed, tempered. The sounds...


PAREMIA is a clan notion of folklore aphoristic minor prose (proverbs, idioms, riddles, etc.) The first meaning is to read the parables from the Holy Scriptures spoken in Church. The book with parables were called pareymiks. P. is a proverb with a wide meaning in folklore science. There are derivative...

PAZUKHIN Pyotr Vasilyevich

PAZUKHIN Pyotr Vasilyevich (1.4.1889– 23.7.1917), musicologist, folklorist. Author and compiler of the 2nd part of the musical-folk collection “Samples of motifs of Chuvash folk songs and their texts” (Simbirsk, 1912), which included 98 notated round dances, weddings, recruiting of soldiers, and...


PAASONEN Heikki (2.1.1865–24.8.1919), folklorist, ethnologist, linguist. Doctor of Philosophy (1893). Full member of the Finnish Academy of Sciences (1908). His research is devoted to comparative linguistics, dialectology, and folklore of the Finno-Ugric and Turkic peoples. In 1889–1900, he collected...


PEOPLE’S SESEN OF BASHKIR ASSR is an honorary title. It was given to people prominent for their improvisational achievements in art. It was established by the decree of the Supreme Council of BASSR Presidium of April 14, 1944. The Supreme Council of BASSR could assign or remove the title after the...


PRAYERS are a verbal application to the deities uttered while  praying  (see  Feast  of sacrifice). Traditionally people spread P. orally, according to the  ethnic  beliefs,  they  were one of the most effective and safe ways to protect a person against diseases and bad luck. E.g. the Udmurt...


“PUGACHEV’S MARCH”, “P u g a c h e v”, “T h e  r o a d”, Bashkir ethnic song, khalmak-kuy. First registered by N.D. Shunkarov in 1961 in Bobrovyi Gay village, Pugachev District, Saratov region, and published in “Bashkort khalyk izhady” collection. Refers to the songs about the Peasant...