Список материалов

ROUND DANCE OF FRIENDSHIP i s a n o p e n r e g i o n a l f e s t i v a l o f c h i l d r e n ’ s f o l k c h o r e o g r a p h y . It has been held since 2007 in Tuymazy once every 2 years in order to promote and further develop children’s folk choreography, strengthen...

ROUND DANCE is a circle synchronized group dance which can be accompanied by singing or sometimes by playing musical instruments. Being a syncretic type of ethnic dance, it combines music, choreography, poetry, drama, symbolism of ethnic costumes etc. Its origin is connected with the ancient pagan ritual...

“RED HORSE WITH A STAR ON HIS FOREHEAD”, Bashkir ethnic song, uzun-kuy. It was first registered by S. Gabyashi and published in “Bashkir ethnic songs” collection (1935). The song is lyroepic. Its origin is associated with the Patriotic was of 1812. The lyrics have the form of dialogue between...

RYBAKOV Sergey Gavrilovich
RYBAKOV Sergey Gavrilovich (27.9.1867– 28.12.1921), ethnographer, folklorist. His research is devoted to the musical folklore of the peoples of the RSFSR and the problems of music education. During the ethnographic expeditions to the Ural-Volga region, he collected folk songs, tunes, proverbs, idioms,...

RUSSIAN FOLKLORE in the Republic of Bashkortostan is represented by the heritage of people from many regions of Russia and can be characterized mostly by the same peculiarities as traditional Russian ethnic art. At the first stage of people’s settlement in Bashkortostan there were traditions of the...

“RUSSIAN CHILDREN’S FOLKLORE IN BASHKORTOSTAN”, collection of samples of Russian children’s folklore (Ufa, 2013). Compiled by I.E. Karpukhin, E.I. Karpukhina. The collection is based on the materials of the folklore archive of the Sterlitamak branch of the Bashkir State University and the personal...

RUSSIAN PATTERNS, a folk ensemble of Russian songs of the Krasnozilim rural multifunctional club of Arkhangelsk district. Established in 1955. In 1970 it earned the title “People’s”; in 2015 it became an honored folk-art team of RB; in 1999 it was named after the founder and first artistic director...

RUSSIAN FOLKLORE SONGS of people from RB is mostly characterized by the features common for the whole traditional Russian ethnic art. There are many different historical songs that reflect crucial periods in history of the culture long since the Tatar-Mongol invasion. There are also family-household...

RUDENKO Sergey Ivanovich
RUDENKO Sergey Ivanovich (29.1.1885, Harkov– 16.7.1969, Leningrad), an ethnographer, anthropologist, archaeologist, geographer, hydrologist. Dr.Sci (Technical Sciences, 1945), Full Professor (1919). Graduated from St. Petersburg University (1910). His scientific activities were dedicated to the study...

ROZHKOVA Tatyana Ivanovna
ROZHKOVA Tatyana Ivanovna (b. 15.10. 1955), folklorist. Doctor of Philology (2006). Her research is devoted to the ceremonial calendar and wedding folklore of Russian mining villages of Bashkortostan and the Southern Urals. Author of more than 70 research papers. She is one of the compilers of the folklore...

RODIONOV Vitaliy Grigoryevich
RODIONOV Vitaliy Grigoryevich (b. 5.10. 1947), literary critic, folklorist. Doctor of Philology (1993), Professor (1995). His research is devoted to the study of the genesis and features of the Chuvash prosody, the history of the development of Chuvash literature and writing, ceremonial folklore of...

RAKHIMOV Ravil Galimovich
RAKHIMOV Ravil Galimovich (b. 20.4.1948), musicologist, folklorist, facilitator, teacher, bayan player. Doctor of Art History (2006). His research is devoted to ethnic music, the history of Bashkir ethnic musical instruments. Author of more than 50 research papers. In 1983–2006, more than 1500 instrumental...

RAKHIMOV Kamil Yusufovich
RAKHIMOV Kamil Yusufovich (25.8. 1900, Sevastopol – 25.2.1978, Ufa), Composer, Folklorist, Public Figure (music). After graduating from the Bashk. Technical School of Arts (1929), he worked at the Bashk. Drama Theater and at the Republican Radiofixation Committee at the People’s Commissariat of ...

RAKHIMKULOV Murat Galimovich
RAKHIMKULOV Murat Galimovich (30.4.1925–4.5.2015), literary critic. Candidate of Philology (1967). His research papers are devoted to the study of Russian-Bashkir literary and folklore connections as well as local literary lore. Author of more than 200 research papers. In the works “Pages of Friendship”...

“RAMAZAN” T u r k i c e t h n i c e d u c a t i o n a l c e n t e r i n B a s h k o r t o s t a n, a NGO established in Ufa in 1989. In cooperation with “Vatanym”, “Sakhibdzhamal”, “Tatars’ Congress”, Tatar Historical Cultural Center, participates in holidays,...

RITUALS, a set of ritual actions, stipulated by customs and social conventions, that embodied religious notions, everyday traditions, social ideas and values. R. are called to influence the objective course of life in order to direct it to the favourable course, perform the function of the regulator...

RITUAL POETRY is a verbal-poetic constituent of the rituals. R.p. is traditional, stable, successive, functionally significant, it naturally combines improvisation and canons. It can be divided into calendar poetry and family-household ritual poetry, both based on the belief in the magical power of...

RIDGES, large linearly elongated elevations of relief with clearly expressed slopes,intersecting in the upper part. The pointsof maximum altitudes form the crest of theR. — a line, stretched in the longitudinaldirection, dividing it into two slopes andserving as a watershed. Crests differ inshape:...

“RED AMBLE”, Bashkir ethnic melody. First registered by S.G. Rybakov and published in the book “Music and songs of the Ural Muslims and their household description”. The melody is for dancing. The legend of “R.A.” tells about a dzhigit and his frisky horse – the winner of...

RUSSIAN DRAMA THEATRE of the Republic of Bashkortostan, state-owned academic. It has developed since 1861 from various private theatrical enterprises and amateur troupes. Since 1930 – Ufa Russian Drama Theatre, since 1939 – State, since 1951 – Republican, since 2006 – its current name. In...