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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

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To the reader

The illustrated “Republic of Bashkortostan” encyclopedia in both Russian and English is a universal regional encyclopedia which presents a body of knowledge about Bashkortostan, its history, as well as its place and role in Russia and the world. The main attention in the publication is paid to the...

To the reader

The territory of the Bashkortostan republic is the place where besides the native people - Bashkirs, more than 100 peoples of different nationalities live. They settled here in different times, but managed to preserve the folklore of their ancestors and add new local features to it. The most significant...


TSVETAEVA LITERARY, HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL CENTER, public organization, branch of the House of Peoples’ Friendship. It was created in 1998 in the village Usen-Ivanovskoye in Belebeyevsky district of the RB in order to safeguard and revive the cultural heritage, folklore, and traditional forms of...


“THE KHAN’S DAUGHTER”, a Bashkir ethnic song, khalmak-kuy. It was first recorded by N.D. Shunkarov from Salima Suleymanova in 1964 in Islamgulovo village and by S.A. Galin from Asamandiyar Yanyshev in Kultay-Karan village, Alsheyevskiy District, BASSR (both of the villages are in Miyakinskiy District,...


“TUYALYAS”, is a Bashkir ethnic song, uzun‑kuy. First registered by G.Z. Suleymanov in 1931 in the 1st Turkmenevo village, Baymak-Tanalykskiy District, BASSR (Baymakskiy District, RB). It is published in “Bashkort khalk yirdary” by K.F. Akhmetov. According to the legend registered from K.M....


“TUKHVAT-KANTОN”, is a Bashkir ethnic song, uzun-kuy. First registered in 1931 in Gaitovo village, Uralskaya District by Z.S. Shakirov from I. Iskandarov. The lyrics were published in the “Bashkir ethnic art” collection (1st v., 1954), the lyrics with the notes were published in the “Songs...


TULPAR is a winged horse in Bashkir mythology. It is the character from fairytales (“Alpamysha-batyr”, “Almabatyr and Almabike”, “Taz-batyr” etc.) and epics (“Aldar and Zukhra”, “Kuziykurpyas and Mayankhylu”, “Koblan-batyr” etc.). Akbuzat is the ancestor of T. According to legend,...


TULGAU is an improvisation song consisting of tirades. Etymologically it comes from the notions “to sing” (from Yakut – “dolgokhut”) and “to think/to ponder” (from Chuvash – “tulak” – thinking). T. contains thoughts, philosophical and ethical judgements of sesen T. existed among...

TUYKIN Fazyl Karimovich

TUYKIN Fazyl Karimovich (10.6.1887– 15.2.1938), writer, folklorist. T. recorded ethnic songs, incl. “Lyubizar”. Compiler of the collections “Constellation of Songs” (1912) and “Collection of Songs” (1914), which are among the first systematic collections of Bashkir and Tatar songs....


TRINITY is one of the main Christian holidays honoring God in His three images – Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. The day was to memorize the descent of the Holy Spirit to the apostles, it is held on the 50th day after Easter. It is celebrated either for 1 day (On Sunday) or for 3 days (from Sunday...


TOTEMISM is a traditional belief based on the idea that there is a supernatural kinship between a human and his so-called totem: an animal, a plant, less often a natural phenomenon or an inanimate object. The members of a clan or a clan unit, as a rule, were prohibited to hunt the totemic birds or animals,...


TYPOLOGY OF FOLKLORE is a regular universal repeatability caused by a number of factors and receiving different (typological) expressions, which is expanded over all the spheres of folklore art; is a set of features determining the repeatability and its kind (according to B.N. Putilov). Typological...


TENGRIANISM (from Turk. tengri – sky, deity, Lord) is a religious belief of the Mongol and Turkic tribes. It appeared, presumably, at the end of the 2nd – beginning of the 1st Millennium BC. T. is based on the belief that the nature has a soul and relative connection with humans (see Animism, Totemism)....


“TEMYASOVO”  B a s h k i r   h i s t o r i c a l  a n d  c u l t u r a l  c e n t e r, branch of the House of Peoples’ Friendship. It was created in 1994 in the village Temyasovo in order to safeguard and revive customs and traditions, folklore, cultural and historical heritage of the Bashkir...


“TEVKELEV” (“Taftilyau”), the Bashkir ethnik song, uzun‑kyuy. First variants of the song were recorded by S.G. Rybakov and published in The Music and Songs of Ural Muslims with an Essay of Their Everyday Life book. Lyric and drama song. Named after A.I. Tevkelev, Major General of the Russian...


THE DANCE THEATRE o f  t h e  S t e r l i t a m a k  P h i l h a r m o n i c.  Created in 1991. The founder and first art director was H.A. Ishberdin. The   repertoire   is   based   on smaller  ballet performances, musically choreographed miniatures and dance. The compositions are mainly...


THEATER AND FOLKLORE. Initial forms of theatre were observed in the 6–8 c. in Bashkortostan as a part of rituals, ethnic games, holidays, round dances. The origin and development of theatre is connected with oral ethnic art. Magical actions of Bashkirs and other people of Bashkortostan included theatrical...


“TASHTUGAY”, Bashkir ethnic song, uzun-kuy. It was first registered by S.G. Rybakov in 1894 and published in the “Music and songs of the Ural Muslims and their household description” book. The song is lyrodramatic. There are two variants of “T.” origins: one  of  which  was  registered...


“TAUSEN”, a Russian folk ensemble of Bashkir State University and Aksakov Foundation of the Bashkir (Aksakov) branch of the international fund for Slavic writing and culture. It was founded in 1980 by E.V. Yevdokimova. In 1993 it was titled “People’s”. Their song performance is known for originality...


“TATAR FOLK ART” (“Tatar khalyk izhaty”), a systematic scientific publication of the samples of Tatar folklore. Compiled in 1976–93 by a team of folklorists of G. Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature, and History. It consists of 13 volumes and includes works of all genres of Tatar folk...