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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


Views: 604

INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR CROP FARMING, high-performance resource-saving technologies aimed at the perfection of plant growing produce. They are based on the advanced international and domestic scientific and practical experience, which is in line with the general trends in contemporary crop farming development. I.t.f.c.f., in the RB, are aimed at the usage of heterotic hybrids F1 of crop cultures, development and introduction of precision farming providing for differentiation of process operation parameters within a field with the help of geoinformation systems. An essential resource for increasing crop yield and product quality is the utilization of organic food production in crop farming and the application of biological pest control agents for the protection of crops. Scientific research is aimed at the creating and commissioning of a low-cost, energyand resource-saving, nature-preserving technology for farming crops with the use of minimal quantities of fertilizers, crop protection chemicals, etc. Alekseyevsky Collective Farm implemented 4th generation greenhouses equipped with a supplementary lighting system that allows receiving 4–6 harvests a year. In pollination of hybrid vegetables, bumblebees are used. There is a biological centre, manufacturing microbiological preparations and entomophages. Notill system (zero soil treatment) was applied on an area of over 250 thous. ha in APC Krasnaya Bashkiriya, GUSP Roshchinsky, APC Ashkadarsky, APC Tavakan, etc.

Publication date: 23.06.2020
Last updated: 23.06.2020