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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


Views: 751

SYNANTROPIC FLORA, an anthropogenic weed vegetation in habitats disturbed by man. It comprises various plant communities, which represent different stages of restorative or regressive successions: weeds, ruderal, range plants, and other communities.

B.M.Mirkin, L.M.Abramov, A.R.Ishbirdin and others introduced a classification of S.f., which includes about 40 associations of the following synantropic classes: Stellarietea mediae – annotinous S.f. of fields and disturbed lands; Artemisietea vulgaris – tall perinnial S.f.; Galio–Urticetea – S.f. of shadow habitats; Polygono arenastriPoetea annuae – S.f. of trample grounds; Bidentetea tripartitae – S.f. of overmoisturized disturbed land; Polygono– Artemisietea austriacae – S.f. of steppe pasturelands; Robinietea – urban spontaneous wood S.f.; Epilobietea angustifolii – S.f. of slash and burnt areas. Employees of the Botanical Garden Institute created digital database for S.f., which includes 3500 geobotanic descriptions of more than 60 S.f. associations. They also studied modern changes of field S.f., urban S.f. of the RB, S.f. of rural areas, abandoned settlements, etc.

Publication date: 06.11.2020
Last updated: 15.04.2021