DICTIONARIES, a collection of words (or parts of words, word forms, phrases, etc), arranged in a certain order and provided with descriptions of various nature (depending on the type of D.). The first D. of the Bashkir language were created at the end of the 18th century. The key translation D.: Bashkir‑Russian D. (1958, edited by K.Z.Akhmerov; 1996, edited by Z.G.Uraksin) and Russian‑Bashkir D. (1964, edited by K.Z. Akhmerov; in 2 volumes, 2005, edited by Z.G. Uraksin), etc. The specific D. of the Bashk. language: The Dictionary of Bashkir Parlances (in the Bashk. language, in 3 volumes, 1967— 87; edited by N.H.Ishbulatov, N.H.Maksyutova), etc; toponymic D.: The Russian‑Bashkir Dictionary of the Names of the Populated Areas of Bashkortostan (2001; by F.G.Khisamitdinova, Z.A.Sirazitdinov), The Dictionary of the Toponyms of the Republic of Bashkortostan(2002;responsible editors: A.A.Kamalov, R.Shakur), etc; anthroponymic D.: In the World of Names (in the Bashk. language, 1991; by T.H.Kusimova), etc. The special
- of Bashk. language, the frequency D. of the language of scientific texts and prose, the D., reflecting the peculiarities of the Bashk. culture, etc have been compiled. In 1993, dictionary of the Bashkir language was published. Also refer to Encyclopaedias..