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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


Views: 2176

ANTHROPOLOGICAL TYPES, a system of inherited human features, characteristic of a certain group of people. A.t. are formed as a result of racogenesis and ethnogenesis. As a result of a research, there are 4 basic A.t. of Bashkirs: Sub-Ural, Pontian, Light Europeoid, South Siberian. The Sub-Ural type (large size of head and face, concave back of the nose, relatively light complexion, straight soft light-coloured hair and lightcoloured eyes) is typical for the Bashkirs of the north-west and north areas of Bashkortostan. Pontine type (large size of head and face, straight or convex back of the nose, dark complexion, wavy dark hair, and dark eyes) is characteristic for the Bashkirs of the south-west and south-east areas. Light Europeoid type (large size of head and face, straight nose, light complexion, straight or wavy light hair, and light eyes) is common among Bashkirs of west and north-west areas. South Siberian type (large size of head, wide elongated face, straight nose, dark complexion, straight coarse dark hair, and dark eyes) is widespread among Trans-Ural Bashkirs, Bashkirs of the north-east and the south-east areas. In general, Bashkirs are of average height, have a large size head and face, predominantly dark complexion, dark hair and dark eyes and occupy an intermediate position between the Europeoid and Mongoloid races. The first three A.t. are the most ancient ones.   

Publication date: 03.03.2020
Last updated: 10.03.2021