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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


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BASHNEFT, joint stock oil company, PAO (Ufa). Performs the development of oil and natural gas fields in the territory of the RB, Orenburg Obl., Tatarstan, Ud­ murtia, Western Siberia; produces a wide range of products of oil and gas refining, petroleum engineering, construction indust­ ry, etc. It is represented by OOO Bash­ kirnefteproduct, Bashneft­Dobycha, Bashneft–Novoil, Bashneft­-UNPZ, Bashneft–Ufaneftekhim, Ufaorgsintez. It was founded in 1935 as a result of disamal­ gamation of the Vostokneft Trust (founded in 1931) as the B. Trust, since 1940 it was renamed to Bashneftekombinat, since 1945 B. Association. Since 2016 the subsidiary of PAO Oil Company Rosneft. The specialists of B. participated in the development of oil fields in Algeria, Afghanistan, Vietnam, India, Iran, Yemen, Syria, and Cuba. The Company was among the first in the industry to master the technologies of the development of fields with reservoir flooding, pumping of field effluents to maintain reservoir pressure, optimization of the density of the grid of wells, construction of horizontal wells, installation of powerful rocker­machines, centrifugal electric sub­ mersible pumps, mass drilling of wells with turbo­ and electric drills, drilling of small diameter wells, well operation without pumping derrick, a single­pipe oil and gas collection system, utilization of glazed and lined oil well tubing, the removal of salts and paraffin deposits. Awarded with the Order of Lenin (1966) and the Order of the Red Banner of Labour (1982).

Publication date: 18.03.2020
Last updated: 11.03.2021