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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


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GEOLOGY INSTITUTE, a stand‑alone structural unit of the Ufa Federal Research Centre, of the Russian Academy of Sciences (UFRC RAS). Located in Ufa. Established in 1951. Main activities: study of the conditions of mineral deposit formation and distribution, stratigraphy of the Ural and the Eastern part of the East European platform. The scientists of the Institute have justified the concept of the young age of the Urals and Pre‑Ural relief, proved the overthrust structure of the Urals and Pre‑Urals foredeep, made a paleo‑volcanological map of the South Urals, developed a genetic model of pyrite deposits of the Ural type, identified new types of noble metal deposits, defined the gold ore field and deposit formation conditions, described and classified more than 40 geochemical and genetic types of ground waters in the Republic, discovered the Ural anomaly of the heat flow, made a reconstruction of climatic changes for a period going back 100 thousand years, and made a direct estimation of the post‑glacial warming amplitude judging by the geothermal data for the South Urals. For the first time a characteristic of the current seismic and tectonic activity in the RB was determined and a micro‑seismic zoning map was compiled. Scientists have developed more precise schemes of stratigraphic breakdown and interregional correlation of Pre‑Cambrian and Phanerozoic rocks, and made a cadastre of geological natural landmarks of the RB and other sites. The G.I. publishes the Journal of Geology.

Publication date: 19.05.2020
Last updated: 17.03.2021