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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


Views: 668

EYE DISEASE INSTITUTE, a research institute at the AS RB. Located in Ufa. Established in 1926. The Institute incorporates the Eye Disease Department and the Clinical Residency of the Medical University. Main activities: development of a system for comprehensive cornea treatment and refraction anomalies; improvement of methods of minimally invasive ultrasonic and femto laser surgery of age related and complicated cataracts; pathogenetically oriented technologies in glaucoma surgery, and so on. More than 500 invention patents have been obtained. The scientists of the Institute have created a complete technology for the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with cornea diseases, including those involving cross linking, corneal segments and rings implantation, different types of layer by layer and penetrating keratoplasty. They have improved the cataract surgery methods with the use of a femto second laser, developed approaches to surgical treatment with the use of various types of drainage for patients with glaucoma, etc. The Institute has created “UFalink” and “UFalink Kvant” units with a homogenized and pulse light source for ultraviolet linking of the cornea collagen, an apparatus for the determination of the emission power “UF tester” and an electrophoresis unit “ION”; new types of cornea protectors and photosensitisers; a robust

sclera and graft radiation device for treatment of patients suffering progressive myopia, etc.


Publication date: 20.05.2020
Last updated: 17.03.2021