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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


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BASHKIR DIASPORAS. The Diaspora is a significant part of a people (ethnos) living outside a country or ethnic territory, or separated from it by administrative borders, forming consolidated ethnic groups. Diasporas have their own social institutions which help them exist and function. The resettlement of Bashkirs outside Russia in the 20s early 30s was associated with the consequences of the Revolution of 1917, the Civil War, in the 30–40s with the consequences of the political repressions, the Second World War; since late 80s the process of voluntary ethnic emigration has been observed. Outside the Russian Federation, the largest B.d. are there in Kazakhstan (based on the statistics of 1989 41.8 thous.; 1999 23.2 thous.), Ukraine (1989 7.4 thous.; 2001 4.2 thous.), Uzbekistan (1989 34.8 thous.; 2000 — 3.7 thous.), Kyrgyzstan (1989 4.1 thous.; 1999 2.04 thous.), Belarus (1989 1.2 thous.; 1999 1.1 thous.), Tajikistan (1989 6.8 thous.; 2000 0.9 thous.), Turkmenistan (1989 4.7 thous.), etc; as well as in Hungary, Germany, China, Turkey, Japan and other countries of the world. They maintain ethnic identity, but do not have or have weak links with the ethnic group they belong to. In the course of migration to different regions of the Russian Federation more than 100 thous. Bashkirs have moved out of the Republic; they are scattered over the territory and have weak ethnocult. ties with the Republic. A significant role in the consolidation and revival of the Bashkir people is played by the World Congress (Kurultay) of Bashkirs, having regional offices in the places of compact residence of Bashkirs in the majority of the regions of the Russian Federation, as well as in some countries of the near and far abroad.

Publication date: 28.05.2020
Last updated: 28.05.2020