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Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

YELISEYEV, Sergey Ivanovich

Views: 1319

YELISEYEV, Sergey Ivanovich (1876, Ufa 1939, Tomsk), Athlete. A trainee of the Athletics amateurs club (St. Petersburg; Coach V.F.Krayevsky). Winner of the International tournament in Italy (Milan, 1899), Champion of Russia (1899, 1900), Silver Medalist of the World Championships (1903, among professionals) and Weightlifting Champion of Russia (1898), 10 time Weightlifting Exercises World Record holder. Having average physical abilities (height 172 cm, weight 83 kg), he won athletes weighing 110 kg and more. In 1898, for the first time in the World, he demonstrated the chest split, in contrast to the German system, which allows 3–4 attempts. Some of the records of E. lasted for a long time: in clean and jerk 40 years, in two hand clean and press approx. 20 years. Since 1900, he has competed in the Ufa Circus as an athlete, a demonstrator of power tricks and a belt fighter; he executed a remarkable feat, namely, he raised a barrel filled with water (weight of 124 kg), turned it over in the air, placed it over his head and put it on the floor.

Publication date: 04.06.2020
Last updated: 19.03.2021