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Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

IVANOV, Valentin Timofeyevich

Views: 1053

IVANOV, Valentin Timofeyevich (1.1.1929, Derevnya Gaitankino of the TASSR – 15.4.2003, Ufa), Mathematician. Associate Member of the AS RB (1991), Dr. of Engineering (1978), Full Professor (1978). Merited Scientist and Engineer of the RSFSR (1989), Merited Scientist of the BASSR (1983). Graduated from the Sterlitamak Teachers’ Institute (1949), BSU (1963). Between 1966–2001 worked at BSU, at the same time between 1973– 93 at the Institute of Mathematics. I. has analysed the accuracy of the method of straight lines for a wide class of applications, differential methods of solution of exterior boundary value problems for the Laplas equation, developed methods of integral equation solutions and combined methods of exterior boundary value problem solution if 3D and multi-connected domains, math. models of the electro-thermal mass transfer in el.-chemical systems.

Publication date: 22.06.2020
Last updated: 22.06.2020