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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


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TRADITIONAL INTERIOR DESIGN, historically evolved techniques of architectural, functional, and artistic arrangement of a dwelling space, reflecting the ethnic and regional peculiarities of an architectural style. The Bashkir T.i.d. was largely affected by the nomadic culture of Turkic peoples, as well as by the agricultural tradition of the East European population. Traditionally, in the depth of the yurt opposite the entrance and behind the hearth (the open hearth was arranged under the dome) there was a place of honor (ref. Housing). Man’s festive clothes (ref. Bashkir сostume), weapons, carved saddles, and festive decorations of horse harness were hung on the walls to the left of the entrance and around the honourable place. Household implements and dishes were placed in the woman’s half; food supplies were stored there as well. Men and women were separated by a large curtain. With the transition to the sedentary lifestyle, plank-beds appeared in the houses, as well as a permanent hearth — a stove or a fireplace and a small hearth with a cauldron. In the corner, there was often a shelf for old books, over the entrance door — a glass frame with verses from the Koran. Felts with patterns, embroidered towels, napless woven woolen carpets, etc decorated the house. Many of the T.i.d. gradually lose their utilitarian value, being preserved only as a decor.

Publication date: 23.06.2020
Last updated: 23.03.2021