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Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

ISMAGILOVA, Leyla Zagirovna

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ISMAGILOVA, Leyla Zagirovna (b.26.5.1946, Moscow), Composer, Pianist. People’s Artist of RB (2012), Merited Artist of RF (1998) and BASSR (1984). Laureate of the RB State Award named Salavat Yulaev. Between 1966—68, she studied at Kazan Conservatory. After graduating from the Music Pedagogical Institute named after the Gnesins (Moscow, 1972), she works at USIA. I.’s artistic skill is characterized by a combination of traditional European musical culture of genres, compositional structures with folk origins and composition technique of the 20th century. The style of the composer’s creative work is based on the principle of reintonation of folk melodies, a combination of pentatonism, chromaticism and cluster harmony. Among her works, there are ballets Hoja Nasretdin, Arkaim, Rose of the Alhambra, concerts for pianoforte and violin with orchestra, symph. cycle The Land of Fathers, Poem for voice and symphony orchestra, Taktash Symphony for voice with orchestra, oratorio Unfading Verse for mixed choir and chamberinstrumental group, Poem for bass and symphony orchestra. Chamber works are characterized by a deep subjective psychological beginning: Chamber Symphony, Octet for flute, oboe, 2 violins, viola, cello, pianoforte and tympany, etc. The repertoire of I. includes her own pianoforte compositions. Chairman of the Board of the Union of Composers of the RB (since 2013).

Publication date: 25.06.2020
Last updated: 25.06.2020