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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


Views: 840

MUSEUM OF ARCHAEOLOGY AND ETHNOGRAPHY of the Institute of Ethnological Studies named after R.G.Kuzeyev under the UFSRC RAS. Located in Ufa. Founded in 1976, under the History, Language and Literature Institute. Since 1993, under the Urals Peoples Department of the USC RAS. Since 1999, the current status. The exhibition was opened in 1980. There are more than 224 thous. exposition units in the museum’s collections, the main part of which consists of archaeological findings from Shulgan-Tash cave, Mysovaya site, Filippovskiye mounds and other archaeological sites There are materials on Southern Urals population paleoanthropology. The Sterlitamak meteorite, a mammoth’s skeleton and others are also exhibited. The ethnographic collections are presented by wooden implements, folk musical instruments, Bashkir costumes and other peoples of Bashkortostan costumes, traditional decorations, works of decorative­-applied art, etc. The museum publishes booklets, catalogs, postcards, collections of scientific articles, etc; lectures and seminars are held for students of the Republican higher educational institutions specializing in archaeology and museology. The museum building is a landmark of history, architecture and urban development of the early 20th century.

Publication date: 17.08.2020
Last updated: 01.04.2021