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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


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MURADYMOVO SETTLEMENT SITE AND DRAWINGS, archaeological sites of the 12–6th centuries BC. Located in the Muradymovskoye Ushchelye Natural Park near Derevnya 3rd Yuldybayevo of Kugarchinsky Raion, on the right bank of the Bolshoy Ik River (a tributary of the Sakmara River), 102 m above the river level. Muradymovo settlement site is located in Golubinaya Cave (Muradymovskaya 1st; corridor type with the length of 69 m). Discovered in 1942 by N.A.Preobrazhensky, and studied in 1960 by O.N.Bader. 49.5 m2 was dug out. There were found animal bones, articles made of silicon, scones, knife‑like plates, and scrapers. Muradymovo drawings were found in 1984 in Staromuradymovskaya Cave (Muradymovskaya 2nd; corridor type, about 210 m long). Located 60 m from the entrance on the right side 1.5–2 m from the ground level. It consists of three groups of anthropomorphic figures (two in the lower part, six in the mid part of the walls and three singles). The images were executed in red ocher, on total area of 1x2 m2. It apparently shows the use of caves for religious purposes for the population of South Urals in Stone Age.

Publication date: 18.08.2020
Last updated: 01.04.2021