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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

MURTAZIN, Musa Lutovich

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MURTAZIN, Musa Lutovich (20.2.1891, Derevnya Kuchukovo of Verkhneuralsky Uyezd of Orenburg Gub., now Derevnya Kuchukovo‑Mayak of Uchalinsky Raion of the RB, – 27.9.1937, Moscow), Member of the Bashkir National Movement, Statesman and Military Leader. Member of the RCP(b) since 1920. Participant of the First World War, Civil War, and Soviet Polish War of 1920. Awarded with the Order of the Red Flag (1920, 1921) and honorary revolutionary weapon (1929). Graduated from the Moscow Higher Military and Ped‑ agogical School (1924), M.V.Frunze’ Military Academy of the Russian Army (Moscow, 1927). In the Russian Army between 1912–17, in the Bashkir Army between 1918–19, in the Red Army between February–April and since August 1919, Brigade Commander (1935). Since 1918, Member of the Provisional Revolutionary Council of Bashkortostan. Since 1919, Commander of the 1st Cavalry Regiment of the Bashkir Troops. In February, as part of the Bashkir Corps shifted to the Red Army. Due to purges against the Bashkir population and soldiers, M. and his regiment shifted to the White Troops on April, 16th. In June, he reformed the regiment into the Bashkir Separate Сavalry Brigade (4 thous. people) and on August, 25th he shifted again to the Red Army. In August, 1920, he returned to the Republic, helped to settle the political situation following Burzyan‑Tangausrk Up‑ rising of 1920. Since December, People’s Commissar for Military and Maritime Affairs of the ASBR. Between 1921–22, Chairman of the Bashkir Central Execu­tive Committee. Between 1928–29, Commander of a Brigade of 11th Cav. Div., 8th Cav. Div. of the Red Army. Since 1931 Deputy Head, since 1932 Head of the 4th Sector, since 1933 – 2nd Sector at the Red Army Department of Cavalry Troops Maintenance. Since 1935, Head of the Red Army 2nd Department of Cavalry Troops Maintenance. In 1937, he was subjected to political purges and executed by shooting. Rehabilitated in 1956.

Publication date: 19.08.2020
Last updated: 01.04.2021