MUKHIN, Victor Sergeyevich
MUKHIN, Victor Sergeyevich (b.16.2. 1938 in Rybinsk), Mechanical Engineer. Associate Member of the AS RB (2002), Dr. of Engineering (1975), Full Professor (1978). Merited Scientist and Engineer of the RSFSR (1982), Merited Scientist of the BASSR (1979). Laureate of the RB State Award in the field of Science and Engineering (2007). Graduated from the UAI (1962). Since 1956 worked at UMZ, since 1968 — at USATU: since 1982 as Vice‑Rector for Research, in 1983–88 as Dir. of spec. design and engineering bureau Iskra, at the same time in 1995–2006 as Acad.‑Secr. of the Tech. Sciences Dept. of the AS RB. His research is dedicated to machine and aircraft building technology. Ion implantation and vacuum‑plasma technologies were created under his leadership. His developments are used by machine building companies of the RF.