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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


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PETROLEUM DISTILLATION, separation into fractions (distillates) with different steaming-away temperature intervals for the production of petroleum products and their components. O.r. is involved in the process flowsheets of all the refineries: ELOU-AVT plants are in operation at Ufimsky (capacity 6 million t/year) and Novo-Ufimsky (7 million t/year) refineries, Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat enterprises (4 million t/year), Ufaneftekhim (2 million t/year). In 1932, the first Oil Refinery unit was installed at the oilfield named after S.M.Kirov (Derevnya Ishimbayevo) of the Vostokneft Trust (daily gasoline production 750 l), in 1933 — the reducing unit (produced gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil), in 1936, at Ishimbay Oil Refinery — the plant with the capacity of 500 thous. t/year, at Ufimsky Cracking Plant — pilot unit (model AVT, 117 t of gasoline produced in 1938). In 1948, the AVT-2 plant was commissioned at the Ufa Refinery; in 1951, AVT-1 — at the Novo-Ufimsky Oil Refinery; in 1954, AT-1 at the Industrial Complex No.18 (Salavat); in 1957, AVT-1 — at the Chernikovsky Oil Refinery.

Publication date: 14.09.2020
Last updated: 14.09.2020