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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

PEROVSKY (Perovsky March)

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PEROVSKY (Perovsky March),

1) Bashk. folk tune. First recorded by K.B.Schubert and published in The Music and Songs of Ural Muslims with an Essay of Their Everyday Life book. Dancing and marching tune. The P. appeared in the 1853 military campaign under the command of V.A.Perovsky to the Ak-Mechet Kokand fortress. A legend says that among the soldiers of V.A.Perovsky there were 20 kuraists, who played the kurai on their way to Ak-Mechet. This made it possible to seige the fortress without a fight. When entertainment began, the kuraist, Makhmut sesen, composed the melody and played it to V.A.Perovsky, who the song was later dedicated to. Reintonated gopak characterized by active volitional intonation and periodicity in its melodic structure makes the main tune. The P. melody was used in the My Journey to the Kyrgyz Steppes string quartet by K.B.Schubert and the Crane Song ballet.


2) Bashk. military and hunting solo folk dance. Originated in the 19th century, according to one version, was performed by Yusuf Karamyshev, a participant of the campaign. Performed on the prof. scene by F.A.Gaskarov in Ufa in 1932 for the first time. Performed dynamically and expressively by the heroic type dancer. Great importance is given to arms movements: hunting skills are simulated (string tightening, archery, whipping, imitation to a hunting birds flying, etc); accompanied by a clear stamping of feet. In the 1950s, an improved version of the dance appeared under the name Hunter.

Publication date: 14.09.2020
Last updated: 02.08.2021