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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


Views: 711

RARE PLANT SPECIES, species having a limited number of populations or few representatives in part of or the whole area of growth. R.p.s., which require protection by the government, are red listed, excluded from commercial use, while the destruction of their habitats is prohibited. Most of the R.p.s. populations in the RB grow on limited territories. Most of rare species are relicts, endemics, and hybrid species. Extinct R.p.s. populations are being restored. There are about 400 rare species of higher vascular plants in the Republic, 232 of them, including 29 moss‑like species and stonewort are included in The Red List of the RB.

Publication date: 05.10.2020
Last updated: 13.04.2021