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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


Views: 909

SAK­SUK (Bait Sak‑Suk), the Bashkir bait. More than 60 variants of S.‑S. were recorded by S.A.Galin, F.A.Nadrshina, R.S.Suleymanov, N.D.Shunkarov et al. Epic and drama mythol. bait. Sak and Suk are birds, which all their lives desperately look for each other. The S.‑S. plot consists of the family drama. Angry at the fact that the sons do not agree with each other and constantly fight, the mother wants them to turn into birds (Sak and Suk). The curse comes true and the brothers leave their home forever. Lyrics are versed in the form of children’s monologue. The S.‑S. tune has a square structure, a small range (nominal tone) and a declarative type of melody. Mode — pentatonic major inclination, the melodic development has in descending sequence. This beit was a fabula for the Ese film (Let the Wind Take Away My Words...; Director – A.Yu.Askarov; Bashkortostan Film Studio, OOO Studio Arkaim Production, 2015).

Publication date: 26.10.2020
Last updated: 31.05.2021