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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


Views: 767

MEANS OF TRANSPORT. The Bashkir M.t. are represented by land (riding, animal‑drawn, skis, etc) and water means of transport. In the development of traditional M.t., there are several phases: the initial phase is associated with the economy and culture of the ancient tribes of the South Urals engaged in hunting, fishing, foraging (various cargo carrying devices, skis, sleds, rafts, dugout boats were spread); further phases – with the culture of nomadic cattle‑breeding tribes of early Iron Age (wagon carts, dragging and riding transport, sleighs), Turkic tribes (saddles with a rigid base, light‑weight wheeled carts, arc‑shaft design of harness); the conclusive phase is associated with Accession of Bashkortostan to Russia and the transition of Bashkirs to sedentism (horse‑wheeled transport, plank boats and ferries). In the 20th century, road, railway, air, river transport, etc was widely spread; at the same time the traditions of the manufacture of various types of traditional animal‑drawn, riding and water transport were preserved and it continued to be used in the economy

Publication date: 06.11.2020
Last updated: 16.04.2021