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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


Views: 604

THERMAL CRACKING, high-temperature refining of petroleum fractions, in which the reaction of breakage of interatomic bonds in hydrocarbon molecules results in the formation of compounds of lower molecular weight. Included in the process flowsheets of all the Oil Refineries. The installation of the first plants began at the Ufimsky Oil Refinery in 1935, and the core process equipment was the multiplepurpose Lummus Unit (USA) with mazut thermal cracking module. Domestic technologies were initially introduced in 1951 at Novo-Ufimsky Oil Refinery, then at Ishimbaysky Oil Refinery (since 1953), at Novo Ishimbaysky – since 1956 and at Chernikovsky Oil Refinery – since 1957. Method of operating standard plants for thermal reforming of straight-run low-octane gasolines along with heavy residues visbreaking was developed by BashNIINP and applied at one of the plants of Novo-Ufimsky Oil Refinery. They also began to produce thermal cracking gas oil, a raw material for production of technical carbon, there at a different plant.

Publication date: 15.11.2020
Last updated: 15.11.2020