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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


Views: 1192

KHABRAU-YIRAU, a Poet‑improviser. He was known by the Bashkirs by the name of Habrau‑Yirau only. No documented information about his life has been preserved. Supposedly, he lived between the 14th and 15th centuries AD. His creative works of the Bashkir folklore include 5 kubairas, which are part of the Idukay and Muradym epic. In the epic, Habrau appears as an aksakal, a spiritual leader of the people and the ideological mentor of the main characters. In the kubaira “I Am Your Elder Aksakal...” he traditionally reminds us of his respectable age, his life experience and the right to speak on behalf of the people. He is proud that during his life he has seen many noble people, and that dozens of rulers have listened to his addresses. Versions of these works found another existence in the repertoire of the sesen. Aytysh Habrau and Toktamysh‑Khan were also known as “The Two Sesens”.

Publication date: 24.02.2021
Last updated: 24.02.2021