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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

YULDYBAYEV, Marat Hadiyevich

Views: 1116

YULDYBAYEV, Marat Hadiyevich (b.30.9.1951, Ufa), Saxophonist. People’s (1989) and Merited (1985) Artist of the BASSR. Graduated from the UAI (1974) and Ufa School of Arts (1978). Since 1980, Artistic Managing Dir. of Dustar jazz band. Since 1976, he has lived and worked in Bangkok. A world‑famous musician. The Yu.’s artistic work is characterized by the organic synthesis of the elements of Bashk. musical folklore and the style of modern jazz, the evolution of musical language from the principles of modal jazz to jazz rock and fusion. His playing is distinguished by the expressiveness and beauty of sound, by richness of the timbre palette, and by the skill of improvisation.

Publication date: 14.05.2021
Last updated: 14.05.2021