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Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

YULTYY (Yultiev), Daut Iskhakovich

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YULTYY (Yultiev), Daut Iskhakovich [18.4.1896 (according to other data, 1893), Derevnya Yultysovo of Buzuluksky Uyezd of Samara Gub., now Selo Yulty of Krasnogvardeysky Raion of Orenb. Obl., — 10.7.1938, Ufa], a Writer and Public Figure. Member of the Union of Writers of the BASSR. Participant of the First World War and the Civil War. Studied in the madrassas of both his native village and other places. Between the 1920–30s, worked in various newspapers, the Oktyabr magazine in Ufa, Political Department of the First Revolutionary Army, instructor at the Department of Political Administration of the Bashkir Military Commissariat, Literary Adviser at the 1st Bashkir State Drama Theatre, and Chief Editor at the Bashgiz publishing house (ref. Kitap), etc. Between 1925—26, Editor at the Bashkir Sector of the USSR Peoples Central Publishing House in Moscow. Being one of the Bashkir Association of Proletarian Writers leaders, he participated in the work of collective and state farms theatres. Author of the following collections of poems: My Memoirs (1924) and In the Village Wilderness (1929); a collection of stories titled The Past (1925); a collection essays titled Chef — the Steam Locomotive (1934), a novel titled The Blood, a book for children titled The Little Kutush (1925), etc. Such plays by Yu. as Karagul, Kolanses (both — in 1925) and others played a pivotal role in the formation of the Bashkir Soviet drama and national theatre. The creative works of Yu. were translated into Belarusian, Russian, Tat, Uzbek and other languages. Worked in the field of lit. criticism, journalism and Bashkir folklore. Also, he participated in the study of the Bashkir language problems. The Yu.’s plays were staged in various theatres of the RB. Delegate of the 1st All‑Union Congress of Soviet Writers in Moscow in 1934. In 1937, he was subjected to political purges and executed by shooting. Rehabilitated in 1956.

Publication date: 24.02.2021
Last updated: 31.05.2021