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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


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APPLE, a plant genus of the Rosaceae family. There are 25—30 species known. Forest A. grows in the RB. It grows in broad-leaved forests, on forest edges, forest glades, occasionally occurs in Bakalinsky, Dyurtyulinsky, Karaidelsky, Kugarchinsky and Ufimsky raions. Listed in The Red List of the RB. Domesticated A., a quickfruiting, light- and moisture-loving, winterresistant plant with low demands to soil, is common in RB. Grown in all agricultural zones. Depending on the maturation time there are summer (Moscow pyrola, etc), autumn (Bashkir emerald, Buzovyazovskoe, Kushnarenkovskoe autumn, etc) and winter (common Antonovka, Bashkir dandy, Bashkir winter, Bashkir Belflyor, etc) varieties; depending on the time of fruiting —earlybearing (Bashkir emerald, Ural juicy, etc; fruiting starts from the 3rd—4th year of growth), late-bearing (common Antonovka, Moscow pyrola; 8—9th years of growth). A. are being reproduced by ingrafting. Young plants of local varieties (Bashkir dandy, Titovka young plant, etc.) and small-stature forms of stock (dwarfish and semi-dwarfish) are used as stocks. Planting is performed before the bud bursting and not later than the first decade of October. The vegetation period — end of April - beginning of October. Grown on elevated areas of E, NE, NW expositions; on strong (seed) rootstocks between rows — 5 m, distance between trees — 3—4 m; on clone rootstocks — 4—4.5 and 1.5—2, respectively. Average yield of Bashkir emerald A. variety was 165 Cwt/ha, maximum — 530 Cwt/ha, Bashkir winter — 140 and 280, respectively (Kushnarenkovsky Selection Centre for Fruit and Berry Crops, 2001—08). Fruits are consumed fresh and processed. The Bashkir emerald, Bashkir dandy, Bashkir winter, Bashkir Belflyor, Buzovyazovskoe, Bulyak, Bashkir Pepin, Seyanets Titovky and other varieties are allowed for consumption in the RB.

Publication date: 24.02.2021
Last updated: 31.05.2021