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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


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YANGAN-TAU, a balneological health resort. Located in Salavatsky Raion of the RB on the right bank of the Yuryuzan River, 180 km to the NW of Ufa and 43 km away from Kropachevo Railway Station (Chelyabinsk Obl.). Opened in 1937. It is a centre for treatment of locomotor, peripheral and vegetative nervous, digestive and urinary systems diseases, etc. The primary natural remedies used are the climate, Kurgazak Mineral Spring, natural hot vapours (40–110°С) and dry gases (50–65°С) of Yangantau Mountain. Ya.‑T. has been visited by Heroes of the RF, Army General V.G.Kazantsev and firearms constructor M.T.Kalashnikov; Heroes of the Soviet Union, pilot‑astronauts Colonel General V.V.Kovalyonok, Lieutenant General V.A.Lyakhov, Major Generals V.V.Gorbatko and A.V.Filipchenko, Merited Test Pilot, Colonel I.P.Volk, T.Tadzhuddin, Chairman of Writer’s Union S.V.Mikhalkov, People’s Artist of the USSR and RF V.V.Vasilyev, People’s Artists of the USSR I.K.Arkhipova and M.A.Ulyanov, sportsmen I.A.Zaripov, M.A.Chudov, Merited Coach of the USSR and RSFSR, Master of Sports of the USSR Kh.M.Yusupov, and others.

Publication date: 24.02.2021
Last updated: 31.05.2021