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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

VILDANOV Gabdelakhat Fazlyevich

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VILDANOV Gabdelakhat Fazlyevich (6.2. 1879–9.2.1954), linguist, ethnographer, folk­lorist. His research was focused on the study of folklore and ethnography of the Bashkirs as well as theoretical and applied Bashkir linguistics. Compiled the collection “Bashkir Riddles” (1927); one of the authors of the book “Words of the Ancients. Proverbs and Sayings in the Bashkir Language” (1924). V. published a fragment of the epic Idukay and Muradym(1927), and the first recorded kubair poem Sergeant Masagut(1920s).

Publication date: 07.04.2021
Last updated: 07.04.2021