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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

GASKAROV  Fayzi  Adgamovich

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GASKAROV  Fayzi  Adgamovich  (21.10. 1912–18.6.1984),  ballet  master,  dancer.  The first professional Bashkir dancer, the founder of the stage dance art of Bashkortostan, the creator of the classical repertoire of the Bashkir dance stage. Founder and artistic director (1939–70) of F. Gaskarov Folk Dance Ensemble. One of the first to study and adapt Bashkir folk dances by keeping the specificity and ethnic character of the folk dances: “Bishbarmak”, Gulnazira, Zarifa, etc. The motifs of Bashkir dance folklore  are  reflected  in  the  productions  of “Gatherings,” Seven Girls, and “Three Brothers”, etc. G. reconstructed the historical dance form of Baik, staged the author’s versions of Belorussian dances (“Kryzhachok”, “Lyavonikha”), Mari (“Evening at the Gate”, “Mountain­Mari Dance”), Russian (“Quadrille”, “Polyanka”), Tatars (“Groom”), and Ukrainians (“Gopak”), etc. Librettist and direc­ tor of the first ballet performances based on Bashkir legends and fables: “Mountain Tale” by A.S. Klyucharev Crane Song, “Zyugra” by N.G. Zhiganov. Film “Wings of the Soul” was devoted to G. (1969; directed by A. Ab­ drazakov).

Publication date: 07.04.2021
Last updated: 24.08.2021