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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

DIYAROV Karim Mukhamadeyevich

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DIYAROV Karim Mukhamadeyevich (15.1. 1910–17.11.1986), kuray player, collector of folklore. The successor of the classical tradi­ tions of kuray playing, developed in the Bashkir Trans­Urals. The repertoire included Bashkir ethnic songs and tunes, including Abdrakhman-Canton, Bayas, Buranbay,The Crane song, Liver-Chestnut Pacer, Kakhym-Turya, Gray-Haired Eagle with White Shoulders, Ural. D. recorded versions of the songs Lullaby Song, Madinakay, Syrdarya, tune Chestnut Horseetc. Re­ cordings of more than 120 melodies performed by him with handwritten lyrics and legends are stored in the scientific archive of URC RAS. D.’s repertoire was included in the collection Sal Uraldyn Mondary.

Publication date: 19.04.2021
Last updated: 31.08.2021