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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

DMITRIEV Nikolay Konstantinovich

Views: 895

DMITRIEV Nikolay Konstantinovich (28.8.1898–22.12.1954), linguist. Corresponding member of the USSR AS (1943), academician of the Academy of Pedagogy of the RSFSR (1945), Doctor of Philology (1938), Professor (1930). The founder of the national school of Turkology. D.’s research is devoted to the study of grammar, phonetics, dialectology, lexicolo­gy, and lexicography of the Turkic languages, folklore. In 1928–29, he was the head of the lin­ guistic and folklore sub­division of the Bashkir expedition of the USSR AS in the Tamyan-­Ka­tay Canton of BASSR. Based on the materials of the expedition, he published the works “Re­port on linguistic and folklore studies in Bash­kiria” (1929; in Italian), “Songs of the Bashkirs about the war of 1814 against Napoleon in France” (both in Rome, 1943), etc. D. edited “Bashkir Folk Tales” (1941), etc. In 1935–36, D. together with M.M. Bilyalov published sev­eral folk songs about Salavat Yulayev in the collection “Soviet Folklore”.

Publication date: 19.04.2021
Last updated: 24.08.2021