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Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

ISMAGILOV, Zagir Garipovich

Views: 1552

ISMAGILOV, Zagir Garipovich [8.1.1917, Derevnya Sermenevo of Verkhneuralsky Uyezd of  Orenburg  Gub.  (Beloretsky  Raion  of  the RB) – 30.5.2003, Ufa], Composer, Teacher, Public Figure (music). Full Professor (1977). Between 1937–41, he studied at the Bashkortostan Studio at Moscow Conservatory. Graduated from the  Moscow  Conservatory  (1954).  Between 1968–88, he worked as Rector of USIA. One of the founders of the Bashk. professional music. The I.’s artistic skill is characterized by stylistic versatility, genre diversity, reliance on folk music; his musical handwriting is distinguished by simplicity and grandeur, harmonious combination of musical means of expressiveness. The leading place in the composer’s artistic activities is given to operas: Waves of Agidel, Akmulla, Kakhym-­turya, Salavat Yulayev, Ambassadors of the Urals, Shaura. Among other works, there is ballet Crane Song, musical comedies Svoyachenitsa,  Almakai,   Overture   for   two Bashk. folk songs, Suite for symphony orchestra, concerts for pianoforte and symphony orchestra, cantata I am Russian, oratorio We Are the Winners. I. created cycles Mother’s Word for chorus a cappella, Native Land, a vocal cycle with lyrics by Salavat Yulaev, more than 300 songs and romances, music for drama performances. The founder of the Institute of Arts.

Publication date: 22.04.2021
Last updated: 30.08.2021