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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


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“KARAKHAKAL” (“Black beard”), “B a t t l e   m a r c h”,  “K a r a s a k a l ’ s  m a r c h”, Bashkir ethnic naigrysh melody. First registered with a phonograph in several variants by L.N. Lebedinskiy in 1939 from Ishgali Dilmukhametov, published in the Bashkort khalk yirdarycollection. Dedicated to Karasakal, the leader of Bashkir rebellions in 1739–1740. The  tune  has  a  variation  form, a march­-dance nature; the theme is presented by major triad sounds and ends with a fifth tone. There is a self­-titled epos (see Karakhakal). According  to  M.A.  Burangulov,  there  was a self­-titled dance accompanied by a song and a story about its origin.

L.K. Salmanova

Publication date: 23.04.2021
Last updated: 30.07.2021