CHORAL MUSIC, music intended forchoral performance. In Bashkortostan C.m. started to develop at the time of theorigination of the first amateur choralgroups, whose repertoire mostly had simpleexamples of folk melodies such as takmaks,revolutionary and Red Army songs; it isalso associated with the activities of theBashkir Drama Theatre, troupes “Nur”, “Saiyar”, etc, which staged the plays thatincluded joint performance of folk songs.More complicated score and the formationof a multi‑timbre, multi‑voice choir characterize the first choral examples of folkmusic by composers M.M.Valeyev, S.Gabyashi, K.Yu.Rakhimov, etc. Sincethe 40s, the examples of Bashk. folk songsdemonstrate a tendency towards the detection of national style symbols; compositional techniques broaden, the imaginative andemotional content gets richer. A vivid example of С.m. was the Poem About theUrals for choir а capрella by R.L.Gabitov.Composers master major forms: cantatsZdravitsaby H.F.Akhmetov, Bashkortostan by H.Sh.Zaimov, etc. A significantphenomenon in C.m. became the creativework of Sh.Sh.Ibragimov. Since early1970s, music for choir а capрella, choralcycles and poems, the major genres of vocalorchestral music: cantatas, oratorios, etcstarted to develop. In the 80s — 90s, theworks of the cantata‑oratorio genre, thecompositions for chorus a cappella and withaccompaniment appeared in C.m., as wellas the examples of Bashk. and Tatar folksongs. C.m. is represented in the creativeworks of N.A.Dautov, Z.G.Ismagilov, T.Sh.Karimov, S.R.Salmanov; the choralcycles of the latter are distinguished bysubtle lyricism in the depiction of the images of nature, human feelings, ingenuity inthe utilization of modern techniques of composition; for children — in the creativeworks of R.G.Kasimov, R.N.Sabitova, A.R.Salmanova, S.G.Shagiakhmetova (ref. Children’s music).