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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia

KHUSAINOV, Gaysa Batyrgareyevich

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KHUSAINOV, Gaysa Batyrgareyevich [b.10.4.1928, Derevnya Utyaganovo of Ufimsky Canton of the BASSR (now Karmaskalinsky Raion of the RB) — 27.7.2021, Ufa, buried in his homeland]. Academician Of the AS RB (1991), Doctor Sci (Philology, 1971) and Full Professor (1972). People’s Writer of the RB (2008). Merited Scientist of the Russian Federation (1992) and the BASSR (1976), and Excellent Educator of the RB (1994). Laureate of the BASSR Award named after Salavat Yulayev (1980) and the Umetbayev Award (2006). Awarded with the Order of Peoples’ Friendship (1981) and Order of Honour (1999). Member of the Union of Writers of the RB. Graduated from the Timiryazev Bashkir Pedagogical Institute in 1951. Author of the following scholarly works: The Voice of the Centuries (1984), Bashkir Literature in the 11th – 18th Centuries (1996), Poetics of the Bashkir Literature (in 2 vol., 2006—2007), Dictionary of Literary Terms (2006), Theory of Literature (2010), etc. Works in the historical prose literature genre include the novel titled The Bloody 55th (1996) as well as short novels and stories from the book titled The Legend of Batyr (1986), etc.

Publication date: 14.05.2021
Last updated: 15.08.2022