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The regional interactive encyclopedic portal «Bashkortostan»
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan State autonomous institution of science of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir encyclopedia


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“CONVOCATION OF RUSSIANS IN BASHKORTOSTAN”, a NGO established in Ufa in 1998. The organization publishes collections of research articles, holds research­ to­practice conferences dedicated to S.T. Ak­ sakov, M.V. Nesterov, F.I. Shalyapin, etc. Since 1992, a department of Inter­Regional Shalyapin Center has been in operation in Ufa promoting the Russian art of singing. Events held under the auspices of the organization: International Aksakov Festival, Holiday of Russian Songs and Chastushkas, “Russian Song” regional festival, Days of Slavonic Literature and Culture (Ufa and Nikolo­Berezovka, Krasnokaskiy Dis­ trict), “Maslenitsa” regional holiday (Krasny Yar), regional festival of popular music and dance “Epiphany Frosts”, Sviridov Days (Birsk), etc. Operates Russian folk bands “My Sweet Kho­ rovod” (Ufa), “Rossiyanochka” (Blagove­ shchensk), “Russian Chimes” (Belebey), Russian Patterns, Tausen, Marianaetc. Co­ operates with Aksakov’s Fund, historical and cultural centers “Krasny Yar, Nikolsky Temple, Aksakov Historical and Cultural Center, Tsvetaeva Historical and Cultural Center.

Publication date: 09.07.2021
Last updated: 31.08.2021