“CONVOCATION OF RUSSIANS IN BASHKORTOSTAN”, a NGO established in Ufa in 1998. The organization publishes collections of research articles, holds research topractice conferences dedicated to S.T. Ak sakov, M.V. Nesterov, F.I. Shalyapin, etc. Since 1992, a department of InterRegional Shalyapin Center has been in operation in Ufa promoting the Russian art of singing. Events held under the auspices of the organization: International Aksakov Festival, Holiday of Russian Songs and Chastushkas, “Russian Song” regional festival, Days of Slavonic Literature and Culture (Ufa and NikoloBerezovka, Krasnokaskiy Dis trict), “Maslenitsa” regional holiday (Krasny Yar), regional festival of popular music and dance “Epiphany Frosts”, Sviridov Days (Birsk), etc. Operates Russian folk bands “My Sweet Kho rovod” (Ufa), “Rossiyanochka” (Blagove shchensk), “Russian Chimes” (Belebey), “Russian Patterns”, “Tausen”, “Mariana” etc. Co operates with Aksakov’s Fund, historical and cultural centers “Krasny Yar”, “Nikolsky Temple”, Aksakov Historical and Cultural Center, Tsvetaeva Historical and Cultural Center.